wingedjag    N721EZ                  wingedjag

This web page is  to document the journey of a newly acquired LongEZ. Tail# N721EZ
The aircraft was picked up by JetGuys as they will be doing the repair work. ETA on it returning to the skies is Spring.
The pictures below were taken during the removing the aircraft from the garage and loading it on to the trailer and securing it.
here we go
out of the
wheel pants
wings &
wings and
              canard 2
wings and
              canard 3
                    about to load
removing antenna
mostly loaded
mostly tied down
The next photo is the original Builder and Owner. As JetGuys was about to leave We were told that the Builders wife wanted to meet us. She told us she helped build it 35 years ago.
Wallis Richard Glos Jr.
In the Canard Community it seems people also new him as Rick Glos.
Original Owner and Builder

Here is a short video as we watched it leave for JetGuys almost a 700 mile journey.
N721EZ leaving for JetGuys

More Pics & Stuff
Found this picture of 721EZ on the internet. Picture was taken around 2002.
n721ez in 2001
The instrument panel as it is currently.
Instrument panel I bought it with
below are the current seats. Recently recovered.
The Engine
Shiny Engine
As it was in May.
Below are 2 video showing it after the tie down accident
Still at the airport
In the Garage
N721EZ back in the Day parked on the Ramp covered in Snow
Canard as a Snowbird
Repair progress @ JetGuys section
The new main landing gear hoop being worked on.
                      landing gear Hoop being worked on
Fuselage upside down being worked on.
fuselage upside down
October 2023 Progress
Fuselage rear upside down
Fuselage rear 1026
Fuselage side 10/26
fuselage side 1026
Engine on the Stand
engine on the stand.
Replacement Propeller, the white two blade one.
Prince p tip propeller
11/06/23 update
Two photos of the new main gear hoop being attached today.
New main gear attached 1
new main gear attached 2

11/09/23 update

It's on the side today.
Fuslage on it's side
In the picture above note the new instrument panel service hatch that was cut.
Close up of the new hatch below.
new instrument panel hatch.
Main landing gear attachment area work from the outside.
Hell hole work from the outside.
Same area in the photo above from the inside. This area is usually nicknamed the hell hole. i think because it is so hard to work in normally. JetGuys making it look easy below.
Hell Hole from the inside.

11/17/23 update

Below is a newly painted and balanced propeller crated up to ship to JetGuys.

 Below all the progress JetGuys made this week.
image 0 111723
image1 111723
image 2 111723
image 3 111723
image4 111723

11/20/23 update

Here is the propeller safe and sound today at JetGuys. They unpacked it right away to check it.

Propeller safe and sound @ JetGuys

12/06/23 updates

Below are three pictures. The new pitot tube is in.
New Pitot Tube

12/21/23 updates
212123 nose work
122123 rear fuselage upside down
Lower cowling work

12/26/23 Updates
Serious work still in progress underneath
Serious work still in progress underneath
1/04/24 Updates
In the pictures below fuselage is now back right side up.
The wood was rotten in the firewall as shown in some of the pictures below.
Rot is from the top longeron, down to the bottom.
The plan going forward is replace the firewall completely.

1/13/24 Updates
JetGuys has the new firewall in.
New Firewall in

1/20/24 Updates
JetGuys is ready for new tubes and tires, they were just ordered.

1/27/24 Updates

First tubes and tires were ordered but have not shown up yet.
Great week for Photos from JetGuys, 17 Total.

Following pictures below show the damage to the right wing and the start of the repair process to the wing.

Below are pictures of the instrument panel out of the airplane and empty.

Cockpit looks so empty with nothing in it.

2/2/24 Updates

This is a great week of photos from JetGuys. 30 New photos below. Mostly of the right wing repair.

2/10/24 update

That is a jet powered canard aircraft in the background.

3/25/24 update

Pictures below are all of the outside sanded and ready for painting.

Below is what I worked out for a paint and pin striping design. (at least a possibility)

Below are all the pictures of preparing the interior and painting the interior.

Last change 3/25/2024